Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Have you ever found something completely amazing? Something so ancient and valuable, that you can't even imagine how it even was used? When you discover something, there is a certain interest in things that you have never thought about before. Things that would never cross your mind, until now.

The book was old and crinkled. It had something about it that made me interested. Questions flowed thick through my head. How old was it? How did you use it? Where was the off button? What were these strange markings on each page? They were very different from the punch code that I had learned when I was a small child. I was worried that these questions were never going to be answered.

My teacher waited for me. She called for me; I hadn't turned in my homework yet. We were learning about almanacs. They stopped using them in 4015 though. I can't even imagine why we would want to learn about something so ancient. I set the book down, and drug my fingers all the way over to the button on the side of the chair I was sitting in. It read, 'Bedroom'. I pressed hard. It hurt my fingers. Why can't they have the button be on the arm of the chair? It would be so much easier. But I guess that's not the way it was wired. The chair teleported to my bedroom where my teacher was still waiting, (good thing she didn’t have any feelings. Then she would have been waiting impatiently.) I put in my homework in the homework slot on the breast plate of the robot teacher. Then a big 'B+' came on the screen.
After school was over, I wondered what school in the time of books was like. Oh, the fun they had.

This story made me think. About all of the ideas today, that the basis for technology is everything. And to think, all of it started with one wheel. Will technology's levels continue to rise? Will it ever stop? Will the world ever remain in the same intelligence? These questions and more may never be answered, at least not until the end of time. Thinking about the future is a dangerous thing. You don't know how the world will turn out. We can only take chances. But the real question is, will you be the one to discover it?

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