Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Looking around every corner, every blade of grass
. Heart racing, panicking, looking for some way out of the green covered maze. The forest.
My mind tricks me, forcing me to hyperventilation, yet somewhere deep in my mind, I feel that I am safe. As I peek around one last tree trunk, I stop. In front of me is a peculiar hole in the mossy floor of the woods. Curious, I decide that it's O.K., and down I go. It feels like I am crawling forever, when all of a sudden the ground drops from underneath me. I am falling, deep, deep down. I am wondering where I am falling to. When then, I stop, and see another hole in the ground, not learning my valuable lesson, as I crawl out The world I saw was no different than the one I left. Or was it. I looked again, and saw that everything was upside down. Literally, upside down. All of the trees, with their roots sticking up in the air and all of the animals, rabbits, hopped on their heads, birds flew with their stomachs in the air, and even the clouds were on the ground. It was nothing like I'd ever seen before. Worried that I would never find home, I realized the only difference between here, and earth, if I wasn't on earth. So I picked up my feet, and headed, maybe, home.

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